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Afternoons with Sadie Gray

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There’s A Site That Tracks Every Broken McDonald’s Ice Cream Machine In The U.S.

There’s A Site That Tracks Every Broken McDonald’s Ice Cream Machine In The U.S.

There’s A Site That Tracks Every Broken McDonald’s Ice Cream Machine In The U.S.

We’ve all heard it before, that allegedly “McDonald’s ice cream machines break down a lot.”

I wouldn’t know this firsthand. However, this person was upset enough to create a site to let us know which McDonald’s isn’t serving up ice cream.

24-year-old Rashiq Zahid created ‘McBroken’. It’s a free website that shows a map of every McDonald’s in the country.

How does it work? Well, every green dot represents the restaurants with a working ice cream machine. While the red dots show you restaurants with a broken one. You can even zoom in on specific areas.

The site also features a statistical breakdown of just how many machines are not operational at moment, including for some major markets.

Zahid uses a bot to try and order a McSundae on the McDonald’s app from every location. If he can successfully add an ice cream to his cart the location is marked as having a working machine. If it can’t then it gets ruled out.

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Photo| iStock

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