
On Air

Channel 94.1

Mon - Fri: 07:00 PM - 5:00 AM

The National Fight Between Guys Named Josh, Names A Very Small Josh As Victor | Kayla

The National Fight Between Guys Named Josh, Names A Very Small Josh As Victor | Kayla

The National Fight Between Guys Named Josh, Names A Very Small Josh As Victor | Kayla

What started off as a joke by a person named Josh Swain turned into a full-on battle.

Swain first launched the “Josh Battle Royale,” as a joke. A battle between all the Josh Swains he could find online last year.

This year the Josh Fight went down in a field in Nebraska. Pool noodle duels between dozens of Joshes for charity.


The event has now raised more than $10,000 for the Legal Fees To Help Josh Swains Change Their Names Fund—i.e., a non-profit fundraiser on behalf of the Children’s Hospital & Medical Center Foundation 501c3 to help them provide medical care to kids in Nebraska. You can donate to the campaign here.

Photo| iStock

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