Happy Friday!
Can you feel it in the air? It’s almost summer. If you’re really trying to get technical summer kicks off June 20! Let’s rejoice in warmer weather and officially being able to bust out the sandals and sundresses.
Here are the top 10 Best Tweets of The Week. Fan reactions, thoughts, and tweets that made me real life “Laugh Out Loud”. We all love a good laugh and you’ll be amazed by how funny people on Twitter can be in 280 characters or less.
You can always tweet Kayla at @itsKaylaMo your favorite tweets EVERY WEEK.
Bro it’s almost summer whos hyped? 💗
— Kaspy | Follow With NOTIS! (@itzkaspy) May 20, 2021
Lazy dog days of almost summer pic.twitter.com/AfXugtoS7s
— GreenEyedLady (@YouHadMeAtPinot) May 20, 2021
I know it’s almost Summer but I have this crazy urge to work on Holiday season. Would it be totally insane if I put my tree back up 🤣😂
— Nermisa in Edmonton (@byMissMisa) May 20, 2021
It’s almost summer so don’t forget to install your air conditioners, unpack your bathing suits, and place additional protections on the gently whispering locket you wear, as the wizard who covets it is strongest near the solstice.
— Fossilized Tree Resin (@Jamberee13) May 20, 2021
What else can one do on a crappy Wiltshire ‘ almost summer’s day’ pic.twitter.com/BpovSPzaCD
— Mike Platt (@MikePlatt1) May 20, 2021
Why is it almost summer time again. Where are the months going ?
— Remi (@PapaR3mi) May 20, 2021
My body: hey I see it’s almost summer and you’re trying to get in shape. it’d be a shame if pulling some tiny muscle in your shoulder were to PREVENT THAT ENTIRELY
— Nick Ross (@nickross) May 20, 2021
I am actually posting a video tonight. My goal is to invest a little more in my channel since it’s almost summer and I can slow down!! pic.twitter.com/6gTbzLbqbb
— Been Self Isolating since the 80’s (@PammyChanelle) May 20, 2021
Idk how it’s for you, but here the weather is changing from fall to almost summer in the span of 1-2 days 🙄 I’m kinda tired to have a sore throat and/or a running nose 😩 pic.twitter.com/zQzqBbQ3kP
— ArtemisiaTodd | Patreon ✨| comm open (@ArtieToddArt) May 20, 2021
With the high temp of 88f today , it’s almost summer! pic.twitter.com/v37ZBnVC7L
— Arthur in the Garden (@arthurb3) May 20, 2021
All tweets were found at random while scrolling the top and latest tweets tab on Twitter.
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